Three handy guides to the flurry of climate and energy legislation in Congress right now:

First, there’s a breakdown of the July 4 "Energy Independence Day Initiative" out of the House, which details all the elements by bill and by committee. Handy.

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Then there’s this graphic in the WaPo, which focuses on five bills that have been introduced in the Senate.

Then there’s this piece in the Economist, detailing what has and hasn’t passed, and what likely will and won’t. It finishes with this dispiriting ‘graph:

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One measure that definitely will not be included in any bill is a cap on emissions. On July 11th Jeff Bingaman, a senator from New Mexico, unveiled a bill on the subject, to add to the many in circulation. But the Democratic leadership has decided to delay consideration of them all until the autumn. The odds on any of them becoming law look slim, given how hard Congress has found it to agree on pettier matters. And as for a carbon tax — forget it.

(h/t: FPA)