Any readers planning to travel to Netroots Nation should be sure to check out Grist’s Austin offerings. We’re partnering with to produce video from the event, and we’ll have a booth in the exhibitors’ hall where you can come register to win a Dell Inspiron laptop. Our videos will be posted both here and at, and they’ll be showing in our booth.

Most importantly, we’ll be offering free booze at a Grist/ReGeneration shindig on Saturday night from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Cedar Door, which is located at 2nd & Brazos. Stop by our booth in the exhibitors’ hall to pick up an invite that will get you in the door. The first 150 people to the party get a free drink, and everybody will have a chance to kibitz with Gristers and Grist readers alike.

David’s also part of the panel “Debunking the Issue Silo Myth: Why the Broader Progressive Movement is Green,” which is on Friday from 1:30-2:45 p.m. in Ballroom F. So if you’d like to hear the man you’ve been reading on Gristmill live and in person, here’s your opportunity.

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