Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I wrote last week about Harry Potter going green in the seventh and final installation of the series. Turns out, it’s even greener than we thought. It might just be the greenest book of all time [PDF] (except for all those books that have never been published, I guess).

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Production of the book spurred the development of 32 new ecological papers, six for Potter exclusively, and prompted 300 publishers to adopt new environmental policies, according to Markets Initiative, a Vancouver-based environmental group.

Publishers in 16 countries — including the U.S., U.K., and Canada — are printing the book on “Ancient Forest Friendly or eco-friendly papers,” whereas only one did so back in 2003.

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Publishing the English-language editions of the latest book alone on eco-friendlier paper have resulted in a savings of 197,685 trees — an area about 2.5 times the size of Central Park — and reduced greenhouse-gas emissions by 7.9 million kilograms, Markets Initiative reports.

Here’s a handy graphic they put together on the eco-savings stemming from the eco-publishing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:


Not bad for Muggles, eh?Impact reduction graphic

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