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  • Bonn Jour

    Negotiators from 178 countries reached agreement today on how to tackle climate change, fleshing out the Kyoto treaty and leaving the U.S. isolated from the rest of the world. Margot Wallstrom, the European Union’s environmental commissioner, said, “The rescue operation succeeded.” In the final pact reached in Bonn, the E.U. held firm against efforts to […]

  • John Perrine, fox researcher

    John Perrine is a fifth-year graduate student in wildlife ecology and conservation at the University of California at Berkeley. He is also a researcher at the Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and a fellow of the Environmental Leadership Program. Monday, 23 Jul 2001 MINERAL, Calif. For many people, a mention of California evokes images of […]

  • The Owl and the Pussycat

    A single spotted owl roosting in an old-growth tree in British Columbia won a reprieve yesterday when a British Columbia Supreme Court judge overturned permits given to the Cattermole Timber company to log the area where the tree stands. Enviros believe the province’s forestry ministry gave short shrift to a warning from the environment ministry […]

  • Ass Getting Whipped

    The wild Persian ass is struggling to avoid extinction in Iran. The animals were once common across central Asia and the Middle East, but no more than 400 of them remain today. Since the Iranian revolution in 1978, uncontrolled hunting and habitat destruction have wiped out 90 percent of the population. Ass fans are pinning […]

  • Extermi-nation

    U.S. House Republicans are threatening to exterminate a proposal that would require school districts to notify parents of pesticide use on school grounds. Senate leaders added the measure to President Bush’s education bill after consulting with educators, environmentalists, and representatives of the pesticide industry. Some pesticide manufacturers and school officials argue, however, that the measure […]

  • Out of the Frying Pan …

    Teflon frying pans are great for eggs over easy, but their nonstick coating can release chemicals into the environment that may take centuries to break down, according to a study published today in the journal Nature. A University of Toronto research team found that Teflon emits trifluoracetate (TFA) when heated to extremely high temperatures. Once […]

  • Peasant Hunting

    A Mexican court on Tuesday rejected the appeal of two jailed environmental activists, Rodolfo Montiel and Teodoro Cabrera. The activists, who led peasant farmers to protest against rampant logging in Mexico’s southern state of Guerrero, have been sentenced to seven and 10 years in prison, respectively, for drug and weapons charges. Supporters say the two […]

  • The Great Brain Robbery

    Eating fish tainted with PCBs may cause memory loss and brain damage in adults, according to a study of Michigan residents. The study by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is one of the first to suggest that PCBs in fish may have health implications for all adults; state fish advisories until now have focused […]

  • You Can't Hide Your Lion Eyes

    At least 35 sea lions were found dead and mutilated in Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands on Sunday. Acting on an anonymous tip, officials of the Galapagos National Park discovered the bodies washed up on the beach, with their teeth and genitalia removed. Authorities suspect that the sea lions were killed to sell the body parts as […]

  • We'll Mop the Floor With Them

    The U.S. House Resources Committee voted 26-17 yesterday to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling, but Democrats believe they will be able to win enough votes from Republican moderates to defeat the measure on the House floor. Meanwhile, the full U.S. Senate passed a bill yesterday to ban drilling under […]