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  • Less Fun in More Sun

    Heat waves, rising sea levels, drought, disease, and other problems brought on by global warming could keep tourists away from many of the world’s most popular vacation spots in coming decades, according to a report conducted by a British university and released yesterday by the World Wildlife Fund. Ski areas in Europe are likely to […]

  • EPA: Extremely Plodding Agency

    The EPA is lagging far behind schedule in setting new pesticide restrictions based on risks to children, as called for in a 1996 law. By August 3 of this year, the agency was supposed to have set limits for the riskiest 5,500 pesticide uses, but the EPA has completed less than 40 percent of the […]

  • An Ill Wind

    After years of tough talk, some Northeastern states last week signaled a willingness to retreat from demands that Midwestern and Southern states reduce their air pollution, which blows into the Northeast. In the wake of legal setbacks, one proposal from the Northeastern states for settling a dispute would accept nitrogen oxide emissions at a rate […]

  • Redpeace?

    Greenpeace took its act public in China today, releasing its first report on the country at a news conference in Beijing. The report, which drew heavily on Chinese government statistics and reports from state-controlled media, said that China’s fast-paced economic growth is threatening a national and global ecological disaster. The Chinese tend to take a […]

  • Southeast Hazia

    Indonesian Environment Minister Panangian Siregar promised yesterday that the nation would draft legislation to crack down on those who light forest fires to clear land for plantations. He was under pressure from the environment ministers of other Southeast Asian nations, which have been plagued by unhealthy, choking haze caused by slash-and-burn fires in Indonesia. The […]

  • Home Depot is Where the Heart Is?

    After several years of protests by environmentalists, Home Depot has agreed to phase out wood products from environmentally sensitive areas, including redwood, cedar, and lauan trees from old-growth forests. Home Depot, the largest home improvement retailer in the U.S. and the largest lumber retailer in the world, urged other companies to join the effort to […]

  • Turtles in the Soup

    Half of the world’s turtle species are in danger of extinction, according to scientists gathered at a conference in Nevada. The main cause of the crisis is human consumption of the critters, for both food and traditional medicine. The Chinese in particular seem to have an insatiable appetite for turtles, and scientists believe that several […]

  • Changing the Channel

    Stretches of California’s 1,100-mile coastline may soon be put completely off-limits to fishing, a dramatic step some policymakers are contemplating as a way to help decimated fish populations. A 37-acre reserve already exists in the Channel Islands National Park, but officials are considering a proposal that would dramatically expand the no-take zones in the park […]

  • 'Scuse Me While I Kiss This Fly

    Development in a Southern California community east of Los Angeles is being stymied in order to protect an endangered species of fly. The Delhi Sands flower-loving fly — the sole fly on the Endangered Species List — is only known to breed in fine sand dunes about 60 miles from L.A., which are surrounded by […]

  • Nary in a Coal Mine

    Phasing out coal to clean up our air and slow the onset of climate change is possible on a global scale, according to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute. Coal’s share of world energy peaked at 62 percent in 1910 and is now at 23 percent, following a drop of 2.1 percent in 1998. […]