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Stay out of the water: A toxic algae slideshow
As summer comes to a close, as many as 20 states have reported green slime caused by industrial agriculture in their lakes and waterways. As these photos illustrate, it's a problem that has become hard to ignore.
The Arctic could be ice-free by 2016
All Arctic ice could vanish by 2016. Yes, yes, this probably brings unpredictable consequences for all humans, but at least we'll have access to all that oil. See you on the Lido deck!
Dumpster gardens make your block look prettier because trees, and uglier because dumpsters
A Brooklyn man wants to beautify Brooklyn with dumpster gardens that aren't really that beautiful.
Yikes: Avoiding dangerous climate change is still possible, but just barely
The chances of stopping catastrophic global temperature rise are not nil, exactly, but they are slim-to-nil, according to a new report prepared for the U.K. government. David Roberts analyzes our chances.
New eBay for recyclable oils makes it way easier to power your biodiesel car
It's cheap and easy to use but hard to get, but possibly getting easier, with the first ever online marketplace for recycled oils.
Why yes, this IS a music video about climate change featuring Bill Nye and Isaac Asimov
The song features Bill Nye dropping some science, with guest vocalists Isaac Asimov, scientist Richard Alley, and David Attenborough.
Male killer whales need their mommies to survive
Girl humans tend to go all gooey when a guy loves his mama — like tipping well, it’s an indicator of good boyfriend material. Girl orcas, though, might just sneer and say “oh, of course you’re nice to your mom. You’re just trying to not die.” A new long-term study of about 600 orcas showed […]
Only 100 cod in the North Sea? No — but there’s still a problem
There are still many cod in the North Sea, but only about 100 of them are 13 years or older, and that's bad news for the species going forward.
Northern Virginia seems to have a rabid beaver problem
If you don't want to get bitten by a rabid beaver, best to avoid Northern Virginia, where there have been a spate of attacks.
Georgia assures you: There’s no drought. Also, please send water, so thirsty
Georgia, like many other states, is suffering from the drought. Here’s Drought Monitor’s assessment of the current state of drought in the southeast; Georgia is affected far more than any other state in the region. More than half of the state is experiencing at least moderate drought; 17 percent is seeing “exceptional” conditions. If you […]