Ah, finally a Flash movie I can get behind!

Renew US is …

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… a collaborative effort launched by Stonyfield Farm, Inc., a consumer products company founded in 1983 with the belief that the planet is everybody’s business; Earth Day Network, an international environmental network dedicated since 1970 to empowering people to effect large scale positive environmental change, and Clean Air-Cool Planet, a nonprofit organization that educates industry, consumers and policy makers about the challenges and solutions to global climate change.

To mark its debut, the site is running a Flash movie called "Climate: A Crisis Averted." The premise is that it’s filmed in 2055, after the threat of global warming has been overcome. Various people ruminate on how grim the situation was in 2006, and how everyone came together to act (thanks, ahem, to Renew US).

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After you watch the movie, go here to learn how to buy clean power in your area.

Hope! Solutions! And clever, too. Let me know what you think.

(Small kvetch under the fold.)

OK, I can’t let it pass: The movie says that in 2008, the "unlikely independent McCain/Obama ticket" is swept into the White House. This is a fantasy that exists entirely in the heads of media types and self-styled centrists. It’s pure projection. McCain is not an independent. He’s a right-wing Republican. His reputation as a bi-partisan "maverick" is almost entirely a creation of a fawning media, and it rests almost entirely on mediagenic but ultimately symbolic moves on his part. When the rubber hits the road, on both economic and foreign policy, he supports the far-right position.

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That’s his prerogative. But people should quit projecting their fantasies on him.