Jingle bells, clean coal smells
Click here. Discover wintry-clothed, googly-eyed coal carolers. Hear frosty lyrics like “There must have been some magic in clean coal technology, for when they looked for pollutants there was nearly none to see.” Vomit. Repeat.
Buckling under pressure
On the heels of the economic downturn, seems NatPo’s vegan Mary Janes have been shoe’d off the market. Was she a victim of ecoflation or was the priceyness just a step in the wrong direction? (Hey, if the shoe fits …)
Shiver me timbres!
What to do with all that ice once you no longer need it for skating? Perhaps a thawing throng or arctic acoustics — guaranteed to give you goose bumps.
Hole-y crap
We’ll be bold, ecofont — you’re just not our type.
Condom and condomer
Get ready for those holiday parties, ladiez! With a phonebook dress, you don’t have to carry a little black book; and with this get-up, you couldn’t contribute to overpopulation if you tried.
Photo: danielbachhuber