Anyone interested in oil should see There Will Be Blood, since it is a great film that tells a fascinating and detailed story of the early days of the oil industry in California.


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Okay, it’s Oscar week. I try to see all the Best Picture nominees, which is much tougher now that I have a one-year-old daughter. I missed Atonement [so far], but my wife read the book, so half credit. And lord knows after seeing No Country for Old Men, I don’t need to see another downbeat movie — uh, sorry for the spoiler, but if you thought a movie titled No Country for Old Men (or Atonement) was upbeat, you get out even less than I do these days.

oil1.jpgI don’t think There Will Be Blood is the best picture of the year — but it is very good. Certainly the performance by Daniel Day-Lewis should take the Oscar, and the cinematography and music are fantastic.

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But as a depiction of the grueling work of producing oil, it has no equal. Assuming you’ve read The Prize by Daniel Yergin, this is a must-see. Just leave five minutes before the end and you’ll be happy.

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