Citing national security, President Bush exempted the U.S. Navy from a judge’s order to cease sonar use in areas frequented by marine mammals …

… the National Marine Fisheries Service said that the Atlantic white marlin did not meet requirements to be included on the Endangered Species List …

… a report by the U.K. Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership found that seas around the U.K. were becoming more violent, thanks to rising water levels and increased carbon dioxide …

… a Japanese whaling ship detained two activists that were accused of throwing acid and illegally boarding their vessel …

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… Chinese officials warned that the cities of Shanghai and Tianjin face threats from rising sea levels. They also found that 145,000 square miles of coastal area nationwide were still severely polluted

… marine archaeologists planned to explore the lost city of Dunwich, off England’s Suffolk coast. The city, once the capital of East Anglia 1,500 years ago, succumbed to coastal erosion …

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… a starfish outbreak was found to be deciminating corals in Asia’s Coral Triangle area. The starfish excrete digestive juices to liquify the reefs …

… zebra mussels, an invasive species, were discovered in California

… customs officials seized an illegal shipment of live corals at Manchester Airport in England. Worth £50,000, the seizure was the largest yet in the U.K …

… Fort Lauderdale was ordered to dim coastal lights in preparation for the 2008 sea turtle nesting season …

… British scientists discovered flowing lakes beneath Antarctica’s ice shelf …

… and 22 bald eagles died after diving into an uncovered truck of fish slime that was left outside a seafood processing plant in Alaska.