Ah, Friday: You’re nearly done with your work, the weekend is looming, and there’s just one thing left on your list of things to do — helping to keep your favorite online environmental magazine alive and thriving. With a shoestring budget and a staff of just four people, we bring you breaking international environmental news five days a week, 48 weeks per year — plus investigative and feature stories by some of the world’s best enviro writers, as well as books reviews, cartoons, and the world’s finest environmental advice column. We can’t do it without your support, but this is the last time we’ll nag you for it; that’s right, today is the very last day of our first-ever fundraising campaign. Don’t go into the weekend with a guilty conscience; if you haven’t yet given it up for Grist, please do so right away. If you have given already, have a great weekend. You deserve it.