You can’t go wrong. Last week, an unusually heavy box made its way to Grist List HQ, and we were oh-so-pleasantly surprised to find out that a) Lakefront Brewery had sent us a case of their beer and b) shameless begging really does work. We actually received a variety of brews — including the New Grist beer that we had oh-so-subtly requested as well as an organic variety called Organic ESB and the coffee-blended Fuel Cafe Stout.

At a Seattle-staff gathering on Friday, we sat down to taste-test these Lakefront Brewery beverages — and believe me, we took our task seriously. Our verdict? Tasty. Seriously. And not just because Lakefront Brewery sent us a free case. Although Lakefront Brewery did send us a free case. Did I mention Lakefront Brewery sent us a free case?

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And that’s not to say we wouldn’t accept free cases of beer from any other organic brewers out there. Because we would. And we would also accept more free cases from Lakefront Brewery. In fact, I’m just going to say Lakefront Brewery a few more times. Lakefront Brewery. Lakefront Brewery. Lakefront Brewery.

So in conclusion, we’d like to thank you, Lakefront Brewery, for allowing us to sample our namesake beer. You did name it after us, right?