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Articles by Adam Browning

Adam Browning is the executive director of Vote Solar.

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  • Notices that Bush admin does not take climate change serious; lies repeatedly

    The Washington Post editorial board is shocked, shocked to discover that when it comes to policies on global warming, the Bush adminstration can't be trusted to tell the truth on methodology or effectiveness. In sum, emissions are going up and the voluntary measures put in place not only don't work, but in many cases don't exist.

    If it can't get its numbers right, why should we take seriously the White House's declared intention to forge a "constructive and effective approach" to climate change at all?


  • Sunny days ahead

    Today is the winter solstice. Which means -- for folks in the northern hemisphere, at least -- that each day from here on out will be sunnier than the last.

    And as we head into the holiday season, think about maybe sharing a little of that sun: Some folks have set up a fund for solar systems for New Orlean's 9th Ward. Don't be a grinch, check it out.

  • EIA reports that–surprise, surprise–US carbon emissions are rising

    This might come as some surprise, but the Bush administration's all-voluntary, do-nothing approach to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions is not working. The New York Times reports on the Energy Information Administration's release of 2004 figures: Emissions are higher than they have ever been before.

    And in unrelated news, 2005 is shaping up to be the hottest year on record.

  • New Jersey proposes major expansion of renewable energy mandate

    The words "New Jersey" rarely conjure thoughts of environmental leadership. In fact, the state's reputation gives rise to visions better described by "industrial wasteland" or "toxic miasma."

    Think again. The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) has recently proposed a major expansion of its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), a regulation requiring utilities to buy renewable energy.

    The proposed rule would require that 20% of the electricity provided by the state's utilities come from new renewable energy sources by 2020, up from the current standard of 4% by 2008. This is a major expansion that puts the state in the upper echelon of renewable-energy leaders.

    And make no mistake -- the environmental impacts would be enormous. Emissions from electricity generation are not only the single largest cause of global warming, but also toxic to human health, killing over 30,000 Americans a year, according to a recent study by Abt Associates. By 2020, this proposal would prevent annual emissions of 15.3 billion pounds of carbon dioxide, 29.1 million pounds of nitrogen oxides, and 44.4 million pounds of sulfur dioxide.

    In addition, the proposed rule would require that 2% come from solar-electric resources -- a development that would result in about 1,500 MW of solar electricity. To put this in perspective, in 2004 the world market for solar photovoltaics was 927 MW. New Jersey's effort would be the most ambitious solar program currently on the books in the U.S. (take that, California!), and would go far in building the economies of scale necessary to bring solar into the mainstream.

    Traditionally hostile interests are working to squelch this bold proposal. If you are into it, take a moment to tell the BPU Commissioners that their leadership is appreciated, and the proposed expansion of the RPS should be adopted.