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Articles by Bill Scher

Bill Scher is online campaign manager at Campaign for America's Future, host of the LiberalOasis Radio Show podcast and executive editor of He is the author of Wait! Don't Move To Canada!: A Stay-and-Fight Strategy to Win Back America, and a regular contributor to and The Huffington Post.

All Articles

  • The new Senate global warming deniers

    If you wanted to get progressives more excited about the clean energy and climate protection bill that passed the House last week, you might be inclined to point to Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins HuffPost piece on the $1 billion in green jobs funding that was added at the last minute, including “[l]ocal access to quality jobs, through […]

  • After Precarious Climate Vote, Grassroots Pressure Needed More Than Ever

    With right-leaning Dems holding the upper-hand right now, it will take a monster grassroots push to counter corporate interest pressure and allow us to strengthen the Waxman-Markey bill.

  • Wanna strengthen the climate bill? Get this one passed.

    As Mother Jones recently chronicled, the environment community is fractured on the House clean energy and climate protection bill, though the bigger pieces — Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, National Wildlife Federation, League of Conservation Voters —  are squarely for it. Al Gore last night in a open invitation conference call sought to rally […]

  • Obama’s carbon-cap plan tests Democratic coalition

    This piece was originally published in the Omaha World-Herald. Democratic gains in the Plains, the interior West, the Rust Belt and the Old Confederacy have transformed the political landscape. But one primary goal of the Obama administration is straining the geographic diversity of the new Democratic coalition: capping carbon pollution to avert a climate crisis. […]