Articles by Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan
Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan is Grist's "Greenie Pig" -- weathering all manner of inconvenience and insult in the name of forging a more eco-friendly life. She is a freelance writer and special projects editor at Backpacker magazine. Her writing has also appeared in 5280 (Denver's city magazine), Women's Adventure, and Spry.
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This laundry soap won’t mess with your man parts
We blew it. We gave you detergent recipes that might bake your love spuds. Here’s one that (we sincerely hope) will not.
Try this at home: The joys of DIY laundry detergent
Cheer up and stop being such a borax! Grist’s green-living pioneer, the Greenie Pig, is here to turn the tide on homemade laundry soap.
Can you survive the backroads — and backcountry — without processed foods?
On a mission to eat only real foods, our fearless green-living pioneer braves convenience stores and mountain picnic spots -- and lives to tell the tale.
Sweet victory: How to have your unprocessed cake and eat it, too
Grist’s green-living pioneer, the Greenie Pig, attempts to eat out, and eat dessert, without consuming any processed ingredients. This could get ugly.