Articles by Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan
Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan is Grist's "Greenie Pig" -- weathering all manner of inconvenience and insult in the name of forging a more eco-friendly life. She is a freelance writer and special projects editor at Backpacker magazine. Her writing has also appeared in 5280 (Denver's city magazine), Women's Adventure, and Spry.
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Guess what’s coming to dinner? The unprocessed food challenge continues
Having sworn off of hot dogs and Doritos, Grist’s green-living pioneer, the Greenie Pig, sets out to a backyard barbecue at a friend’s house. Her mission: to pass on the processed foods without coming off as a jerk.
Resisting the temptation: The ultimate no-processed-food challenge
According to foodie gospel, processed foods are the product of the Evil Empire. Grist’s green-living pioneer wants to see if she can live without them in even the most difficult situations.
New Olympic sport: The speed shower
Let’s face it. You waste water when you wash. But Grist’s eco-living pioneer, the Greenie Pig, has a whole bathtub full of solutions -- and she’s challenging you to a shower-off.
Flying the coop: The scrambled world of backyard poultry
Dream of nesting down with a flock of chickens, but too intimidated to try it? Our green-living pioneer, the Greenie Pig, discovers it’s not as hard as you think.