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Articles by Eric de Place

Eric de Place is a senior researcher at Sightline Institute, a Seattle-based sustainability think tank.

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  • Cataloguing the errors in “The Story of Cap-and-Trade”

    Just colossally ignorant. That was all I could think to say on viewing the latest eco-video web sensation, “The Story of Cap-and-Trade” by Annie Leonard and Co. No one does a circular firing squad like the Left and this contribution is a potential Hall of Famer. Leonard has a disarming Every Gal schtick, but it masks […]

  • Market oversight in the Western Climate Initiative

    Though most climate policy wonks are now focused on U.S. federal legislation or the summit in Copenhagen, the Western Climate Initiative is soldiering on — and doing good work too. The WCI’s Markets Committee recently released a white paper on carbon market oversight that is worth a read. While the paper doesn’t draw many conclusions about WCI’s final […]

  • How cap-and-trade markets work for acid rain and smog

    Contrary to claims that cap-and-trade is untested or uproven, there are a half dozen or so operational cap-and-trade programs already functioning in the United States. Of these, the most significant are the Acid Rain Program and the NOx Budget Trading Program. Both have large vibrant trading markets, both have been extremely successful in achieving environmental aims, […]

  • How carbon markets work in Europe

    In spite of what you may have heard, Europe’s carbon market is working beautifully. The E.U.’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) has been operational since 2005 and we’re now getting a good look at how it functions. It turns out, it’s a remarkable success story, both environmentally and economically. Let’s briefly review the major pieces of […]