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Fish Rap
A 1995 deal between Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt and Defense Secretary William Cohen, who was at the time a Republican senator from Maine, helped to keep Atlantic salmon off the endangered species list, according to internal agency memos recently unearthed. In early 1995, Cohen, a moderate, sent a letter to Babbitt threatening to join his […]
More Power to 'Em
Electricity deregulation is giving a boost to clean energy in Pennsylvania — about a third of state residents who have chosen a new electricity supplier since the market opened have switched to renewable energy, according to officials at Conectiv Energy, which operates windmills in the state. Demand for wind energy has exceeded the company’s supply, […]
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn's Trash
The massive Fresh Kills landfill, where New York City has dumped its garbage for 60 years, will be shut down two years from now, and city officials are already daydreaming about making the land into a large city park. The city’s sanitation department has hired Steven Handel, a plant ecologist at Rutgers University, to study […]
Sleazy Money
Each of the leading presidential contenders has done favors for campaign contributors, often compromising the environment in the process, according to a new report conducted by the Center for Public Integrity. Bill Bradley has drawn hefty campaign contributions from the chemical industry and introduced numerous bills that eliminate tariffs on certain highly toxic pesticides, the […]