Articles by Heather Smith
Heather Smith (on Twitter, @strangerworks) is interested in the various ways that humans try to save the environment: past, present, and future.
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How looking for cancer’s causes became a political act
On an unorthodox path from nursing to music to breast-cancer activism, Jeanne Rizzo learned how to take on the system.
Why exploding trains are the new Keystone XL
With pipeline projects stalling, more crude is riding the rails. Also, spilling. And blowing up. That's making the Oil Express a target for protest.
Leaked Pacific trade treaty draft suggests the planet will pay
The Trans-Pacific Partnership draft puts no teeth behind environmental protections, and could let other countries undermine those in the U.S.
Elsipogtog epic: How a tribe’s fight against an energy company caught fire
Last fall, New Brunswick's protests against gas drilling caught the world's attention by burning some vehicles. But their story has more to tell us about how this movement is changing.