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Articles by Jess Zimmerman

Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.

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  • Here’s an Olympic gold medalist taking public transit

    Here’s fencer Ruben Limardo of Venezuela, hours after winning top honors in men’s epee, toting his medal home on the London tube. Dude may have been working his ass off all day, and he may be sporting $600 in solid gold, but he’s not too good for public transportation. I never want to hear you […]

  • Got $300? Buy a ride on a six-legged robot named Stompy

    Stop fronting: You know perfectly well you want to ditch your car AND your bike and ride around town in a 10-foot, two-ton, six-legged robot. And if you donate to Project Hexapod, the creators of this behemoth (whose name is Stompy), you can get your wish. Just $300 gets you a ride around town in […]

  • Antarctica used to be covered in palm trees, says study

    A new study examining 50-million-year-old ice from Antarctica indicates that the continent used to be covered in warm-weather flora like palm trees. And hey, maybe it could be again if carbon dioxide levels get too high! By “too high” we’re talking about really high — CO2 concentrations in the early Eocene epoch, the time period […]

  • How did somebody steal half a million bees?

    A beekeeper near Vancouver has reported the loss of 8,000 pounds of honey and 500,000 bees from one of his apiaries. Why would someone steal half a million bees? And how? Urban beekeeping is pretty hip right now so it’s the “how” we’re really stuck on. Here are our best theories: Filled beekeeper suits with […]