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Articles by Jess Zimmerman

Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.

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  • The moon is toxic to humans

    Hope you didn’t just think we could move up and colonize the moon once we permanently screw up Earth. New research suggests that Ernie was right all along: The moon might be a nice place to visit, but living there might actually kill you. There’s a good chance that moon dust is toxic to humans.

  • Eating this burger automatically makes you a dick

    The 666 Burger truck sells a $666 burger called the Doucheburger, and it's full -- appropriately -- of things you will only eat if you're a douche.

  • The 20 best names of rocks on Mars

    Guys, did you know that rocks on Mars have amazing names? (I found out through a link in this story.) You might think this is not really related to sustainable living on Earth, but a) shut up and b) if we totally bone the planet, we’re going to have to move SOMEWHERE. Mars is one […]

  • These dreamlike landscapes are made out of food

    When artist Eszter Burghardt went hiking in Iceland, the geology there reminded her of cake — so she decided to reproduce it using food. The picture above isn’t a tilt-shifted photo of mountains. It’s a picture of a cake Burghardt baked, colored blueish-brown, then brushed with matcha tea powder. (The clouds are wool.) The result […]