Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts are a hot, famous, rich advertisement for biking
Stars: They’re just like us! They bike around town with their kids in a trailer! They get annoyed at taxis! They really should be wearing helmets! New York Magazine has an interview with city natives Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts, in which the famous couple dishes about their bike lane usage and their frustration with […]
Watch a tricycle spank a bus in a low-speed race
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1011888&w=425&h=350&fv=] It’s the Thunderdome of transportation: Comedian Mark Malkoff on a child’s tricycle, going up against the famously slow M42 bus. Two modes of transport enter, one mode of transport leaves … well, okay, they both leave, but one gets there a minute and a half faster. And it isn’t the bus. Malkoff framed […]
Biodegradable wool coffins keep you cozy six feet under
Here’s a win-win if we ever saw one: You can spend eternity in the postmortem equivalent of a Snuggie, AND it’s better for the environment. Corpses are one thing we’re never going to be able to stop throwing away, so it’s worth finding lower-impact methods. Wool coffins are all-natural and fully biodegradable, making them a […]
Would you vote for the Koch Brothers Appreciation Act?
After watching end-of-life planning become “death panels” and estate taxes become “death taxes,” Democrats are finally figuring out that owning the spin is all about owning the terminology. Accordingly, they’ve been having a grand time proposing amendments to give a more accurate name to the “Energy Tax Prevention Act,” which would “prevent energy taxes” by […]