Articles by John Upton
John Upton is a reporter at Climate Central.
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Carbon dioxide pollution just killed 10 million scallops
An oyster producer in British Columbia has lost three years' worth of bivalves -- the latest in a growing line of commercial shellfish collapses linked to ocean acidification.
Frack-happy Colorado clamps down on methane pollution
Colorado will soon become the first state in the nation to regulate methane leaks from fracking operations and other natural gas companies.
Big polluters tell Supreme Court they’re worried for Chinese restaurateurs
Major emitters claim to be concerned that the EPA could crack down on CO2 from millions of small businesses, even though the EPA has no intention of doing so.
Oil is spilling from trains, pipelines … and now barges
River barges are increasingly being used to transport crude. The recent spill into the Mississippi River shows why that's not such a great idea.