Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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Vermont congressman walks the talk
Vermont Rep. Peter Welch (D) has announced that both of his offices — one on Capitol Hill and one back in his home state — will be going carbon neutral. Welch will offset 56 tons of carbon each year — the amount generated by fuel and electricity use in his two offices and travel for […]
Gore to announce climate-change concerts around the world
This July 7, the world will rock out in the name of stopping climate change. And at the head of it, global warming’s resident rock star: Al Gore. We mentioned this waaaay back in December, but news is hitting the rest of the dinosaurs mainstream media just today. Much like the worldwide party that rocked […]
Global warming ads taking over the world, international sibling to, launched this global TV ad on climate change this week, urging viewers to take action and encourage their political leaders to follow suit. “Avaaz” means “voice” or “song” in several languages, including Hindi, Urdu, and Farsi, and is used here to signify the lifting of voices all over the world […]
A day with SLC Mayor Rocky Anderson, in photos
While down in the good state of Utah several weeks ago, I got to spend some time with Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, featured subject of a Dave Roberts Q&A published yesterday. The good mayor had just days before given his state of the city address, the final of his two-term run as mayor […]