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Articles by Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.

All Articles

  • A review (and a preview) of the documentary The Great Warming

    The Great Warming aims to do what other climate-change books, TV shows, and films haven’t. In lieu of purely scientific or data-based persuasion, it appeals to viewers’ sense of spiritual and moral responsibility. On that level, it succeeds. Debuting in American theaters on Nov. 3 but already making the rounds in the country’s churches, the […]

  • Who’s on your team?

    A sport for the wonky, competitive folks out there.

    Fantasy Congress.

    My heart goes pitter-patter.

  • New study finds women dress better when they’re fertile

    A new study has found that women tend to dress better when they're fertile, according to an article published today by Reuters. Perhaps there is good reason environmentalists, at least as far as the stereotype is concerned, dress poorly. All the hemp ponchos and fleece jackets are really just another way to walk the talk on population control. At least, that's my new excuse for dressing like this. It's my fertility camouflage.

  • An interview with Ted Carrington of NJ NAACP

    The Environmental Justice For All Tour wrapped up last Monday in Washington, D.C., where the Northeast and Southern tours united to lobby their federal representatives and gain more national attention for the environmental justice issues they had seen around the country. After seven days on the road, with stops in multiple communities each day, tour participants were tired but energized by the outpouring of support and solidarity they found along the route.

    Tour participant Theodore Carrington, second vice president of the New Jersey NAACP, took a few minutes to recap the week's events and talk about his hopes for the future of the environmental justice movement.