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Articles by Katharine Wroth

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  • Colorado town takes on eponymous senator over wind power

    In a fabulous bit of word play worthy of the best geeks among us, the town of Lamar, Colorado, has launched a letter-writing campaign to convince Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee to support wind power.

    Just so happens Lamar I is home to more than 100 turbines, and pretty darn happy about it. In fact, a group of ranchers is planning to build another facility this year. But Lamar II has lately been raising a federal stink about the "puny ... high-cost" energy source.

    I ain't sayin' who's right and who's wrong. But it seems like those ranchers know puny when they see it.

  • Oil industry compares fuel prices to liquor.

    Methinks the oil barons might be getting desperate. Either that, or they're doing their brainstorming in, uh, new locations. A new industry "study" makes the following startling announcement: Gas is cheaper than booze!

    Here's what the study said: "On a per-barrel basis, gasoline is America's bargain liquid: 10 percent cheaper than bottled water, a third the cost of milk, a fifth the cost of beer, and less than 2 percent the cost of a bottle of Jack Daniels."

    I guess that whole "you're only paying half as much as they do in Europe" argument didn't work. Thanks, guys, for bringing it to a level we can all comprehend.

  • Recent move actually protects public

    Back in March, we reported on a pending EPA decision that would have allowed untreated sewage to be released on a regular basis. Yuck.

    We're happy to report that someone -- namely 98,000 people who took the time to make comments, and hardy Congressman Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) and cohorts -- convinced the EPA that was gross. Last week, the agency announced that it would not approve the proposal, which had been lingering in the air since 2003.

    "Blending is not a long-term solution," said EPA administrator Benjamin Grumbles. "Our goal is to reduce overflows and increase treatment of wastewater to protect human health and the environment."

    What a concept!

    Now if only Stupak could work his bulldog magic on mercury. Or carbon. Or ... oh, fine, I'll just be happy about semi-clean sewage for now.

  • … heat, love, and understanding?

    OK, I've worked at a weekly paper. I know how tough it is to put out annual summer guides and make them feel fresh. I mean, how many new things can you say about berrypicking and lighthouses?

    But Seattle Weekly's latest issue gave me pause. They headlined their summer guide 50 Ways to Celebrate Global Warming.

    All in good fun, I know. And I like good fun (I mean, look where I work). But I also know there are an awful lot of literal-minded readers out there. And now may not be the time to make this huge concern sound ... fun.

    I'll lighten up now. Happy summer!