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Articles by Mark Schapiro

Mark Schapiro’s latest book, SEEDS OF RESISTANCE: The Fight for Food Diversity on our Climate Ravaged Planet, will be released in paperback later this month. He is also a lecturer at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

Featured Article

This story was originally published by Capital and Main and is reproduced here with permission.

All good stories start with a question. So here are five to consider as the record-breaking accumulation of greenhouse gases continues into the opening days of 2023.  

Climate change, of course, can’t be divided into parts. The answers to these questions, however you devise them, may start small and specific and then, like climate change itself, to borrow the title of a popular 2022 film, illustrate how it is “everything everywhere all at once.”  1) In what ways do the fossil fuel companies resemble a criminal conspiracy?  

The territory of Puerto Rico is using a novel argument in a recently filed lawsuit alleging that oil and coal, and their paid allies, conspired to mislead the public over the costs and consequences of their greenhouse gas emissions. In the lawsuit, filed in early December, 16 Puerto Rican municipalities charged the companies under the RICO statute normally used to prose... Read more

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