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Articles by Sarah K. Burkhalter

Sarah K. Burkhalter is Grist's project manager.

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  • From Pirates to Parody

    Oh arrrrre they? Ahoy! Cap’n Marie Jailbait and Ironic Sal be impressed by the gumption of these swashbuckling eco-pirates. We hoist a pint o’ grog to ye, mateys! Photo: iStockphoto Want to suck my pickle? Thought: When your own website wonders whether your product is “one of those crazy ideas that should have died a […]

  • Green sporting news for all you athletic supporters

    Photo: Marco Scala via flickr Below lies another linky catchup post. I’m going to get more current in the future, I swear. (Current in the future? Is that even possible?) First, your Olympics roundup: Beijing 2008: Amid consistent concerns over air pollution, some 20 countries plan to hold their pre-Olympic training camps in Japan instead […]

  • From Adrian to Athletes

    The Green Life goes on Enviro-hottie (and sleazy pick-up artist) Adrian Grenier will soon be bringing an eco-entourage to the Discovery Channel for a series about greening the homes of “regular folks.” Quick, look regular! Photo: Bless me, Goracle, for I have sinned Bono on Gore: “It’s like being with an Irish priest. You […]

  • NYT satire gives candidates’ alleged responses to the fish ‘n’ mercury issue

    The New York Times has a pretty funny satirical article up about candidates’ alleged responses to reports of high mercury content in New Yawk tuna sushi. Obama: “Unlike other candidates, I have been saying since 2002 that we were headed down a disastrous road with our sushi policy. But what we need now is a […]