Articles by Sarah Miller
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Dumpster gardens make your block look prettier because trees, and uglier because dumpsters
A Brooklyn man wants to beautify Brooklyn with dumpster gardens that aren't really that beautiful.
New eBay for recyclable oils makes it way easier to power your biodiesel car
It's cheap and easy to use but hard to get, but possibly getting easier, with the first ever online marketplace for recycled oils.
Northern Virginia seems to have a rabid beaver problem
If you don't want to get bitten by a rabid beaver, best to avoid Northern Virginia, where there have been a spate of attacks.
Scientists are using new technology to identify zombie bees
Some of the scientists investigating the mysterious honeybee die-offs suspect zombie bees, bees that are being mind-controlled by parasitic scuttle fly maggots. Unlike human zombies, bee zombies (or, inevitably, “zombees”) do not have telltale tattered clothes or dark eye makeup. So in order to tell whether they’re dealing with bees or zombees, researchers are affixing […]