Articles by Sarah Miller
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New documentary lets you watch glaciers disappear
Anyone who is not a raging moron knows that glaciers are melting really fast. We should probably be constantly consumed by worrying about our waterlogged future, yet we somehow manage to sit around having conversations about, like, cheese. The reason is pretty simple: We can’t see glaciers. They are Far. Which is why National Geographic […]
Old Testament theme park uses donkeys as wifi hotspots, just like in the Bible
If you find yourself at the Israeli biblical theme park Kfar Kedem and you see a flashing light, don’t be alarmed — you are not having a hallucination brought on by Talmudic scholarship and hummus. You are seeing a wireless router affixed to a donkey.
Purse full of wine is so classy it hurts
If you are the type of Classy Lady who drinks wine, you don’t want to have to wait until you take the wine out of the special wine gift bag to let people know how classy you are. You want something that lets you announce that shit from the get-go! Like a wine purse. The […]
Space shuttle’s final journey will kill 400 trees
Space shuttle Endeavour has never been the greenest of projects — I mean, consider how much gas it takes to circle the planet 4,600 times. Sure, blah blah the majesty of the final frontier, but that thing’s tailpipe makes a Chinese factory look like a wind turbine. Now, even in retirement, Endeavour is managing to come up […]