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Articles by Sean Casten

Sean Casten is president & CEO of Recycled Energy Development, LLC, a company devoted to profitably reducing greenhouse emissions.

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  • Upstream carbon prices will not substantially change downstream carbon-emitting behavior

    With apologies to Little Milton. Good news: With the incoming Obama administration, we are finally going to get some sort of a greenhouse gas (GHG) bill. Bad news: We are still having an inane, economically uninformed conversation about GHG policy. Many of the ideas that pass for Serious GHG Policy are silly, not because they […]

  • Decoupling 101: Of triage and panaceas

    Decoupling is all the rage. The Obama campaign has made it a key part of their plan (as David gushed here), and many states have instituted decoupling proceedings to change the way that their electric and gas utilities get paid. The good news on decoupling is directional; utilities currently have a strong incentive to keep […]

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    Castens on TV

    The Chicago NBC affiliate recently interviewed Tom Casten about waste heat recovery.  Granted, they chose the second-most attractive member of the Casten family for the eye-candy … but other than that, I think it’s a decent video.

  • Take a fun quiz on energy

    Friends at West Virginia University have just compiled a 20 question energy quiz that provides some rather interesting “a ha” moments. (There is no coherence to the abbreviated list of questions below other than the fact that I find the answers interesting and/or counterintuitive.) See how you do: If all of the CO2 produced in […]