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Articles by Sue Sturgis

Sue Sturgis is the editorial director of Facing South, the online magazine of the nonprofit Institute for Southern Studies in Durham, N.C.

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This post originally appeared at Facing South.

3 — Number of weeks straight last month that Republicans used their weekly radio address to attack government regulations for killing jobs

0.3 — Percent of people who lost their jobs in 2010 because of government regulation

25 — Percent who lost their jobs because of a drop in business demand

More than 1,000 — Number of temporary workers hired by energy giant AEP to build a pollution scrubber for one of its coal-fired power plants in order to meet Clean Air Act regulations

40 — Number of full-time employees the plant then hired to monitor the scrubber

1,600 — Number of temporary jobs created by installing scrubbers at two PSE&G coal plants

24 — Number of permanent jobs the installation created

35 — Percent increase in boilermaker jobs from 1999 to 2001 alone due to Clean Air Act regulations

200,000 — Number of person-years of labor occupied over the past seven years to comply with just one Clean Air Act standard

1 — Rank of environmental spending among the most labor-intensive of all business expend... Read more

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