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Articles by Ted Glick

Ted Glick is the national policy director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Past writings and more information can be found here.

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  • Acting Before It Is Too Late

     “We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. The tide in the affairs of men and women does not remain at flood—it ebbs. Over […]

  • Obama, Climate, History

    It was worth staying up ‘til 2 am last night to hear Barack Obama’s victory speech. The brother sure can bring it when he is inspired. Now it’s time for the climate and progressive movements to do our job as citizens and demand that he do the same on climate. It’s time, long past time, […]

  • Superstorm Sandy

    Much of New Jersey, New York City and elsewhere definitely got hit very hard by Superstorm Hurricane Sandy yesterday: several feet of sand covering roads close to the ocean in Point Pleasant and probably elsewhere—50 or so homes burned down in Queens—extensive flooding of the lower Manhattan NYC subways—7 million or more customers without power—blizzard […]

  • Frankenstorm: God’s Latest Warning?

    It is ironic, way beyond ironic really, that the Nation’s Capital—and the entire Northeast– is staring down the barrel of an incredibly powerful storm about which a National Weather Service meteorologist has said, “”I’ve never seen anything like this and I’m at a loss for expletives to describe what this storm could do.” Perhaps this […]