Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Pre-Cancun summit, American farmers debate climate change
The climate is heating up -- as is the debate among farmers about what to do about it. Unhappily, the deniers still rule the day.
[UPDATED:] Risk, bacteria, and the tragedy of food-safety reform
Senate food-safety bill S. 510 doesn't address the big underlying problem: the hazard that comes from huge, concentrated factory farms.
Thai game: artfully disposing of a meat surplus
Confronted with a sudden surplus of meat, I went Thai'd one on a chuck roast. And I didn't regret it.
High food prices affect the global poor in surprising ways
Policy makers generally assume that high food prices hurt the global poor, because they increasingly live in cities and have to buy their food. New research suggests that view could be wrong.