Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Monsanto's losing bet on GM sugar beets has bitter repercussions
Over the span of two years, Monsanto managed to grab control of the market for sugar beet seeds (and American sweet tooths), effectively wiping out the competition.
Walmart doubles down on local food
For the second time, the global retail giant Walmart, by far the nation's largest grocer, is rolling out an initiative to localize its food buying.
What Monsanto’s fall from grace reveals about the GMO seed industry
Once the darling of Wall Street and the Darth Vader of the agribiz universe, Monsanto has fallen on hard times. The reason may have to do with the essentially over-hyped nature of GMO technology.
Forbes: By 2018, 'one-fifth of urban food will be grown on rooftops and in former parking lots'
Within a decade, will a huge portion of your food come from around the corner? It sure is pretty to think so.