In an ad that aired during the Super Bowl, Cadillac shared its version of America and electric car drivers by having actor Neal McDonough ask, “Why do we work so hard when other countries take August off?”

For those shouting about the crumbling middle class, stagnant wages, and the death of unions (shh, Kevin Drum!), here’s the real answer: Stuff. Beautiful, beautiful stuff.

But if you can take a break from gently cradling and kissing all of your precious stuff instead of the children you never get to see, you’ll want to see Ford’s wonderful response to it.

As a refresher, here’s that one guy from TV selling Cadillac’s vision:

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Now watch Detroit Dirt founder Pashon Murray give her version of the American dream:


So which America do you believe in? The one where stodgy rich white dudes known for playing psychopaths on TV fill the emotional void with underused swimming pools or the one where awesome urban farmers rebuild Detroit with their bare hands? We don’t have the desire or dough to trade in our bus passes and walking shoes for electric cars, but in this case we’re going with Ford.

N’est-ce pas, Pashon? Indeed.

h/t Stacy Mitchell

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