Climate Cities
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China: the neverending traffic jam story
Transportation experts say there’s barely enough space on the roads in China’s largest cities for the 35 million cars that were bought during the past decade of frenzied consumerism. Photo: Remko TanisThis piece was written by Melinda Burns. The new Great Wall of China is the “Great Wall” of cars stuck in city traffic, researchers […]
San Francisco descends into self-parody with a bike for every personality
Oh, San Francisco. You with your flowers-in-the-hair and bikes for every person.
Georgia congressman wants everyone behind the wheel, whether or not they can drive
Look at him. Could you deny him his God-given rights?Photo: Steven YehGeorgia representative and proven nut Bobby Franklin wants you to know that driver’s licenses are eroding your freedom as we speak, because they impinge on your Constitutional rights. From his Right to Travel Act: Free people have a common law and constitutional right to […]
New evidence cities rule and suburbs drool
Suck it, Thoreau: Looks like big cities are the way to go if you’re looking to lower your environmental impact. According to a new study published in the journal Environment and Urbanization, carbon emissions in cities are lower than in the car-dependent burbs. Okay, so you’ll still come out ahead if you live in an […]
Oysters to the rescue in New York?
They don’t have brains or spines, but maybe oysters could help to save the waterfront of New York. Kate Orff of Scape Design explains how in a recent TED talk. The concept was first presented as part of an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art called Rising Currents, in which several designers presented plans […]
Residents of award-winning transit-oriented development say no to transit
Cross-posted from the Natural Resources Defense Council. Photo: thecourtyard So much for the widely-touted concept of “transit-ready” development. The residents of an acclaimed New Urbanist village built around planned light rail (or bus rapid transit) stops have decided that they don’t actually want the transit their community was designed for. So let’s be more careful […]
Winter from hell: Don’t panic about having enough food, panic about all the crap we throw out
Nowhere to go.Photo: Sarah Goodyear When extreme weather is in the forecast, people stock up. They storm the markets, sweep the shelves clean, and load shopping carts with bottled water, canned goods, diapers, corn flakes, milk, batteries, Pop-Tarts, you name it. There are only three days’ worth of food on the shelves of American supermarkets […]
A talk with economist Edward Glaeser: Why America needs to love its cities more
Edward Glaeser.“If ideas are the currency of our age, then building the right homes for those ideas will determine our collective fate.” That’s what Harvard economist and New York Times columnist Edward Glaeser writes in his new book, Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier. And […]
Don't fear riding a bicycle, fear sitting in that chair
We know that bicycling is good for public health. But what about YOUR personal health and safety?
Don’t fear riding a bicycle, fear sitting in that chair
We know that bicycling is good for public health. But what about YOUR personal health and safety?