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What Theda Skocpol gets right about the cap-and-trade fight
In a comprehensive account of the cap-and-trade fight of 2009-10, Harvard political scientist Theda Skocpol identifies the core problem: the radicalization of the GOP.
Do cities really take the lead on climate change?
Cities tend to adopt easier policies first, according to a new report.
As the House votes on Sandy aid, dudgeon and hypocrisy are in full effect
Congress will approve some funding, but certainly far less than the amount Obama requested.
New GOP House Science committee chair to hold totally objective climate hearings
Despite the recent, massive government report on climate change, Rep. Lamar Smith needs some more info.
What would Jesus do (about climate change)?
Is it possible to get your head around global warming if you think the Earth is only 6,000 years old? Why yes, says climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe. In fact, the future of the planet may depend on it.
Changing behaviors: You’re doing it wrong
Climate campaigners are keen on getting people to change their behavior. Now a team of experts has shared a short, simple slideshow on the common mistakes made by aspiring behavior-changers.
Town devastated by coal mine fire now also completely covered in dicks
Just another reason to be wary of coal.
Why New York’s Sandy commission recommendations matter
When it comes to weather patterns along New York's coasts, there's a terrifying new normal. A state commission attempts to chart a course in unfamiliar territory.
16 years of no global warming? Yeah, right
Once unleashed, junk science is hard to tamp down. Here's an easy-to-understand video debunking one of the most common climate-denier claims.
Beyond baby steps: Analyzing the cap-and-trade flop
It's good to know what went wrong in Washington. But the real problem we face isn't getting a bill through Congress -- it's global warming.