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  • Rebuttal ad nauseum

    I’m not sure there’s much value left in rebutting Dick Lindzen’s schtick every time it pops up. He keeps saying the same stuff, so the rebuttals keep saying the same stuff, and at this point anyone interested in the schtick or the rebuttal has a panoply of sources close at hand. Nonetheless, Newsweek‘s egregious bad […]

  • Disagree to Agree

    U.N. Security Council hosts feisty climate debate Yesterday the U.N. Security Council held its first-ever debate on climate change, and the meat of the debate was — well, whether the debate should be happening at all. With 55 countries speaking, Britain led the pack of those arguing that climate change threatens global security, while China […]

  • Now This Is Corn-fusing

    Study says ethanol fuel could cause more health problems than gasoline Time to trot out Alanis, cuz this is what the kids call “ironic”: a study from Stanford University says widespread use of ethanol in vehicles could have serious health effects. Atmospheric scientist Mark Jacobson ran computer models comparing air quality in 2020 based on […]

  • Where is it written that there’s an easy out to replace oil?

    Another day, another story about cellulosic ethanol pointing out that, like the Star Wars missile system, it's a technology capable of sucking up endless tax dollars without ever producing anything that delivers in the real world.

  • Oh, It’s Unparalleled All Right

    U.S. claims emissions-reduction success, U.N. Security Council debates climate Today, for the first time ever, the U.N. Security Council will take up the topic of climate change and world security. “The security implications of climate changes are bigger than we thought even two or three years ago,” says John Ashton, a climate lobbyist who pushed […]

  • Bill Bradlee and David Kroodsma, climate-fightin’ bike riders, answer questions

    Bill Bradlee and David Kroodsma. What work do you do? How does it relate to the environment? David: Over the past 17 months, I bicycled from California to the southern tip of Argentina to raise awareness of the international consequences of global warming. I gave talks, visited schools, got in the media, and posted information […]

  • Hybrid power plant

    I guess as a blogger in good standing I should have some kind of instant opinion on this, but I don’t: California approves the first "hybrid power plant" — 90% natural gas, 10% solar. So why did Inland Energy decide to make solar a relatively small part of its plant rather than the main power […]

  • Betting the heat

    Here's an excerpt from a great article on global warming:

    In 2005, Annan offered to take Lindzen, the MIT meteorologist, up on his bet that global temperatures in 20 years will be cooler than they are now. However, no wager was ever settled on because Lindzen wanted odds of 50-to-1 in his favor. This meant that for a $10,000 bet, Annan would have to pay Lindzen the entire sum if temperatures dropped, but receive only $200 if they rose.

    "Richard Lindzen's words say that there is about a 50 percent chance of [global] cooling," Annan wrote about the bet. "His wallet thinks it is a 2 percent shot. Which do you believe?"
    Talk is indeed cheap.

  • Alabama’s Bankhead forest next?

    Until today I was ignorant of the spread of this nasty sort of mining. Its impact is well documented in the antelope and sage grouse country of the intermountain West, leaving a trail of ruined land and poisoned wells. But companies are also drilling and fracturing this stuff out of the ground in the East, too.

  • Not as simple as it seems

    Before any Grist readers write off this article in the Economist, read it through and get to the conclusions at the bottom. They might surprise you.

    They also contain another lesson not mentioned in the article: we need to value comprehensive ecosystem services from forests, not just any single dimension.