We have a new game we like to play with famous (and infamous) visitors to Grist World HQ. It’s called Vs., and it goes something like this: Famous person sits down. Gristers present visitor with two related words or ideas or songs. Gristers then force visitor to choose one over the other — and explain why he or she chose it. Visitor squirms, Gristers giggle, repeat. It’s fun!

This time around, our lucky guest was Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club. And it turns out this is a game he’s already pretty good at: Not only did he somehow manage to get through our questions without offending anyone (does that mean we lost?), he flipped the table around by saying a few things that got our wheels turning.

Natural gas vs. nuclear? Pounding the pavement vs. cutting a trail? Thunder Road vs. Ghost of Tom Joad? Watch the video to find out!

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