Americans United praises Congress for passing ACES
Americans United for Change is running a new ad in the DC market praising Congress for passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACES). “Last month, Congress met President Obama’s challenge to create millions of clean energy jobs — not in India or China, but right here, in America,” the ads say. But wait! […]
Warren Buffett repeats GOP talking points on energy plan
Courtesy trackrecord via FlickrOmaha zillionaire Warren Buffett repeated his criticism of cap-and-trade emissions regulation on Wednesday, telling CNBC the plan being pushed by Democrats amounts to “a huge tax” and a “fairly regressive tax” that’s going to burden poor consumers in particular. “If we buy permits, essentially, at our utilities, that goes right into the […]
Coal is here to stay, says Obama’s chief environmental adviser
In an exclusive interview with Grist, Nancy Sutley, chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, says coal isn’t going away anytime soon. She also says the administration can’t promise a slowdown in mountaintop-removal mining. Here are highlights in video and text. (For more, read the full Q & A.) On coal: [C]learly coal […]
It’s no time for change, says ad from Gingrich’s group
American Solutions for Winning the FutureThe people who brought you the “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” energy plan have launched a new TV ad opposing the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill, or, as the new 30-second spot calls it, the “national energy tax.” American Solutions for Winning the Future, a group founded by former […]
EPA chief Lisa Jackson on mountaintop removal, climate legislation, toxics, and more
In a wide-ranging interview with Grist, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson hit on a number of hot-button topics. Here are highlights in video and text. (For more, read the full Q & A.) On mountaintop-removal mining: [T]he current state of the law and regs doesn’t allow us to just change the law and the regs to […]
Cameron Diaz films eco-documentary, takes on role as planet’s publicist
“How do we make this little planet of ours a big star?” asks actress Cameron Diaz in the cover story of Marie Claire‘s July issue. “The planet needs a publicist.” And this bubbly blonde is just the gal for the job. She’s long been an environmental activist — running around with an MTV video crew […]
White House and enviros amp up efforts to pass climate bill in House
The House is gearing up to vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act as soon as next week, and both the White House and environmental groups are planning a full-court press to get it passed. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), coauthor of the bill, has said he is “very close” to making a final deal […]
Beer Soap turns lager into lather, and more
BudwasherNext time you bathe, boys, lager up with a bar of Beer Soap, guaranteed to do a better job of attracting the ladies than, uh, just the beer alone. (Click below to see the next item in this week’s Grist List—or view them all on a single page.) […]
New Repower America ad aims to rally support for climate bill
The Alliance for Climate Protection on Monday rolled out a new TV ad calling for a shift away from oil and toward a clean-energy economy. The ad will be airing nationally on cable channels just as the House is preparing to vote on the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill; a floor vote could come as […]