Editor’s note: The chat’s now over, but you can replay it in full.

Yo Grist faithful, Food Editor Tom Philpott and Staff Writer Jonathan Hiskes are joining forces for a live chat about where the Gulf oil spill is creeping — politically and ecologically — and how it connects to the clean-energy future.

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Join us Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 3 p.m. Pacific (6 p.m. Eastern) to discuss all the oily details. If you want to bone up, here are a few slick links: Tom’s been digging deep on the nasty dispersants BP’s been dumping into the Gulf, the agrochemical runoff that’s been hurting the Gulf long before BP’s screwup, and the biodiversity at stake.

Jonathan’s been reporting on the sticky political fallout of the spill, President Obama’s difficult dance around the fiasco, and constructive responses that cities and towns can take to kick the offshore habit.

Bring your questions, comments, feedback, and your lovely selves back here on Thursday. You can sign up for a reminder below. Hope to see you then!