There are vegan bodybuilders. Yes, this is going to blow the minds of people who look at vegetarians blankly and ask, "But how do you get enough protein?" A New York Times trend piece (it's in the Sports section! That makes it more real than a trend piece in the Style section) features a few, plus reports that while "there is little official data on competitive bodybuilders who are vegan," a website called "has more than 5,000 registered users."  

The article does basically ask, "But how do they get enough protein?" The answer is: Vegan bodybuilders do have to follow a trickier diet than their meat-eating colleagues, and they eat a lot of plant-based protein powder. But the vegan bodybuilders' diet may also be healthier, because they can consume less fat while meeting protein goals. We’re pretty sure bodybuilding isn't a particularly healthy pursuit to begin with, what with the ligament strain and the dodgy oils and spray tans. We support any culture, though, that means that dating vegans doesn't mean dating only skinny hipster dudes. (Sorry, skinny hipster dudes!)

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