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Notes from the road
Just as the whole Karl Rove v. Sheryl Crow thing was blowing up in the news, I was arriving in Washington, D.C. to cover … Sheryl Crow. Taking on climate change. You can read about Crow’s big arrival over on my blog, but a few quick thoughts on the Rove encounter before I head for […]
Tracey Smith, advocate for simple living, answers questions
Tracy Smith. What work do you do? I’m a writer and broadcaster on downshifting and sustainable living, and I also put together an awareness campaign called National Downshifting Week, which is this week. NDW is a grassroots awareness campaign, designed to encourage participants to “Slow Down and Green Up”! There’s a great quote I often […]
Is it green to recycle ideas?
Is it me, or does this sound an awwwful lot like this?
Umbra on bicycle tires
Dear Umbra, Is there such a thing as recycled bicycle tires? I have looked and even asked a friend’s husband who wrenches in a local shop. He was not aware of any. I think because people ride their bike they automatically assume they are Earth-“friendlier” than others. But I go through two sets of tires […]
Green polls reveal lazy bastards
Joel Makower has a fascinating roundup of recent green poll results. He concludes: So, what do we know that we didn’t know pre-Earth Day? Not much. It’s business as usual: Americans want clean, affordable, and care-free solutions to climate change and every other environmental challenge. But don’t ask most of them to change their habits, […]
Will Google Maps or Mapquest be the first to help folks travel green?
Frustrated yet again trying to use Google Maps and Mapquest to figure out a bike route to someplace I've never been, I had a sudden realization -- these folks are missing a huge business opportunity.
One that you can help them recognize.
Hell hath no fury like a Lohan scorned
On the list of most environmentally unfriendly ways to avenge yourself on an ex-boyfriend, leaving the water in your tub running so it can flood your former squeeze's apartment sits pretty close to the top. But punishment-by-excessive-water-use is exactly what Lindsay Lohan allegedly wrought on Harry Morton last month.
This, from
This company a renewable energy godsend or pyramid scheme?
Even after reading about how CitizenRE is possibly a shady racket, I was still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, until I got a hilarious and random email that sounded like it came from a Nigerian scammer: