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Yahoo! is going carbon neutral, and the founders seem to have a pretty sensible take on the issue. Also, they have an Earth Day site, FWIW.
Bib you hear the one about … ?
The number one craze in Hollywood -- babies. The number two craze -- using your baby to show off your eco-grooviness.
According to the folks at Ecorazzi, OopC bibs, made from 100 percent organic cotton, are flying off the shelves and into the homes of such glitter-mamas as Gwyneth Paltrow and Tori Spelling. But, as the site rightly points out, buying a few organic bibs does not a true green celeb make:
One new Hollywood grandma who must rename nameless ordered 56 OOPCs -- that's nine for each of her six homes ...
Six homes?! Grandma's lucky she chose to remain nameless as we would be quick to blast such excess. Granted, buying 56 organic bibs is a step in the right direction.I don't know. In my opinion, the only way buying 56 bibs is a step in the right direction is if 52 of them are being donated to some kind of mothers-in-need program.
But, hey, let me give Hollywood Grandma the benefit of the doubt. She could just be trying to help create an economy of scale for organic baby products.
An interview with Craig Minowa of green-leaning band Cloud Cult
Craig Minowa. Imagine the soaring tribal rock of Arcade Fire, the head-nodding beat-pop of Postal Service, and the arty skronk of Modest Mouse, strung together in a loose-limbed, lo-fi pastiche. Toss in half a chamber orchestra and some found-sound collages, and top it off with vocals of almost childlike guilelessness and yearning. That, in a […]
TPM on Kerry on Colbert
I’m sure lots of you follow TalkingPointsMemo, one of the earliest and still best political blogs on the net. They’ve started doing a (rather charmingly low-budget) daily TV show, and today they debuted a clip wherein they interview John Kerry before he goes on the Colbert Report. They also got some interesting footage from backstage. […]
NYT Magazine story: One nation united under green
Tom Friedman, in last Sunday's New York Times Magazine, makes the point that green is the color that can unite the red and blue states.
At Oceana we have found that conservation issues can and do cross party lines. For example, the Bush administration (yes, the Bush administration!) recently -- after working closely with our organization and other groups -- submitted a proposal in the ongoing World Trade Organization talks that would significantly cut fisheries subsidies.
A couple
Here are two lists, for those of you into that kind of thing: First, Sustainlane — which seems to produce a list every few weeks, no? — has a list of the Top Ten Cities for Renewable Energy. That’s the cities that provide citizens with the most green power. They are: 1. Oakland, CA 2. […]
Angels and Airwaves to perform on campus this Sunday
In the interest of keeping you informed, I offer the final chapter in the mtvU GE Ecomagination Challenge. As you may (or may not) recall, students were asked to propose projects that would green their respective campuses. Out of more than 100 entries, 10 finalists were chosen, and then you voted to help pick the […]
This model is no longer untouchable
During college, I went through an ill-advised phase during which I tacked photos of supermodels I was never, ever going to look like on my dorm-room walls. One of my twiggy idols was Shalom Harlow, whom I loved because she a) really knew how to work the red lipstick and b) seemed like the least approachable person on the planet.
No longer. This year, not only did she show up on the cover of Domino's Green Issue, she also (as Amanda Griscom Little reported) popped up at the Sundance Channel's Green Party, spouting nuggets of folksy green wisdom, like this one:
We have a flushing system at our house where we only flush if it's number two.
Goodbye untouchable supermodel. Hellloooooo, environmentally astute woman of the people!
We’ve all got planks in our eyes
It’s been a while since we all confessed our eco-sins. Inspired by these San Franciscans, I think it’s high time we all opened up to each other again. And go! (As long as you abide by the strict confessions-only rule — no chiding allowed.) Me? I love to drive and hate to bike (although I […]