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  • Times reports on vegan fashion

    The Times reports on cruelty-free fashion today. Not that any of us can afford this stuff. But still. Just saying. It’s there. And we’re glad of it. But could this bring eco-fashion to the fashion-conscious masses? And could it signal the end of Summer Rayne Oakes’ unchallenged hegemony in the sphere of eco-fashion?

  • Frosty the No Man

    Washington school board puts a moratorium on An Inconvenient Truth First sex, now science? What will they tell the kids about next? The parents of a high-schooler in Federal Way, Wash., have complained to the district’s school board about a teacher’s plan to screen Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, and the board has put a […]

  • Umbra on that time of the month, again

    Dear Umbra, You mentioned in “Kid Commando” that the “disposable vs. reusable diaper fight is in a stalemate for the foreseeable future.” Is the same true for sanitary napkins? Clara Yuan Ithaca, N.Y. Dearest Clara, I haven’t heard tell of the debate, frankly. I certainly get several “which is better” diaper questions a month, but […]

  • The Choice of a New Generator

    Dirty diesel generators proliferate in developing countries The good news: Access to electricity is spreading to previously unserved areas, allowing residents of rural villages to grow more crops with electrically powered irrigation pumps and connect to the rest of the world through television. The bad news: The most common power source for these communities is […]

  • Step It Up

    Monday, 8 Jan 2007 MIDDLEBURY, Vt. The most important question about global warming right now is: what do I do once I’ve changed the damned lightbulbs? And one small answer is Step It Up 2007. This is the first of 12 dispatches I’ll write, one a week through mid-April, that will chronicle the first nationwide […]

  • One woman’s eco-evolution, from off the grid to on the clock

    Before: The simple life. In Chimacum, on Washington state’s Olympic Peninsula, there are probably more dairy cows than humans. It is a place where it’s common to see a 1972 Ford F-100 hard at work, way past its expiration date. Where those who own a patch of ground extend their hospitality to friends to park […]

  • New Year’s Resolutions 2007

    Answer the call of the wild “Ring, ring” is so 2005; “Buttons” is so 2006. This year, celebrate The Year of the Endangered-Animal Ringtone. Ash-breasted tit-tyrant calling! Photo courtesy of Lynne Howse and the Center for Biological Diversity Date sexy eco-geek(s) Hey Tom Szaky — we like worm poop too. Or we could, for you. […]

  • Umbra on New Year’s resolutions

    Dearest Readers, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2007. Who knows what it will hold for us all. I hope you have a few parts of your year planned and have resolved to leave the rest up to chance, fate, and short-term impulses. As has become my tradition, I shall start the year with a few […]

  • Guaranteed true, top to bottom!

    In 2007:

    1. Prius sales will peak and begin a slow decline as consumers anticipate 2008 models from competitors that will have similar or better performance and therefore higher status.
    2. Electric hybrid bikes will become increasingly popular as a commuting tool thanks to improved battery technology.
    3. The SUV fad will continue to fade.
    4. The corn ethanol pyramid scheme will continue to play out based on the canard that the use of environmentally destructive biofuels is a necessary (but in theory, temporary) evil.
    5. Biofuel crops (primarily those used for biodiesel) will accelerate the loss of rainforests and other carbon sinks (and the biodiversity contained within them).
    6. More biofuel will be imported than in any previous year.
    7. More lifeforms will be declared extinct.
    8. The number of hungry people in the world will increase (as it did this year, by 4 million).
    9. Mustaches will return as an attractive and stylish fashion statement.
    10. Grist will kick some serious ass.

    Happy New Year.

  • A new reality series reveals what it’s like living with eco-celeb Ed Begley Jr.

    Nick and Jessica had their “chicken of the sea.” Sharon and Ozzy had their bleepity bleep-bleep. And now Ed and Rachelle have … plastic rain barrels. Ed Begley Jr. Photo: Tricia Lee Pascoe That’s Ed Begley Jr. and his wife, actress Rachelle Carson. They’re the stars of Living with Ed, a six-episode series premiering on […]