I have here in my hot little hands the latest issue of Vanity Fair, which, though alleged not to hit newsstands until April 11, mysteriously arrived at the Fremont PCC several days early.
It’s the “green” issue, with great feature pieces from Al Gore and Mark Hertsgaard, and a 20-or-so-page photo spread with environmental notables of various sorts — including the “E-gitators,” pictured above. Go e-gitators! (I guess that makes Chip’s new kid an e-gitator tot.) From left to right: Graham Hill of Treehugger, Jennifer Boulden and Heather Stephenson of IdealBite, Laurie David of StopGlobalWarming, and our very own Chip Giller.
Debate rages about who came off as more rakish and handsome, Graham or Chip. I think my wife more or less nailed it when she said, “Graham is more WB handsome; Chip is more Discovery Channel handsome.” I guess we can live with that. (Good call keeping the stubble, Chip!)
But ladies … can we talk about the Mary-Tyler-Moore-style sweater belts? Did this get trendy when I wasn’t looking? Cause I don’t care if your belt is made of bamboo and crafted by workers in a well-paid Guatemalan peasant collective, sweater belts is fugly, and I’d hate to see such lovely, talented, committed e-gitators end up getting fugged.
He’s come a long way, baby.