avlxyzThis gluten-free bread looks super good, but probably cost more than $13.50.

There are 311 million people living in the United States right now. Which means that we are spending $13.50 a person per year on gluten-free food and drinks.

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From the Los Angeles Times, which features an image of various gluten-free goods that I have never heard of:

The market for gluten-free foods and beverages is booming, with double digit growth over the last four years as more consumers find themselves diagnosed with celiac disease and food allergies.

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The market for products without the gluten protein is valued at $4.2 billion, according to a report from Packaged Facts. Since 2008, it has grown at a compound annual rate of 28% each year and is expected to exceed $6.6 billion by 2017.

Gluten-free snacks and granola bars make up the largest chunk of the industry, contributing to 15% of sales, according to the report.

Please note: None of this is due to trendiness, despite this line: “Celebrities such as Miley Cyrus have credited their weight loss to gluten-free eating.” Miley Cyrus is making her decisions based on the best-available scientific evidence. Her father, William Ray Cyrus, is a noted researcher for the USDA, focused on heart health.

Anyway. If you’re looking to spend your $13.50 on gluten-free merchandise all in one shot, there are a lot of great options, I guess:

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But your best bet, if you’re willing to throw in an extra nine cents: Living Gluten-free for Dummies. For an extra two bucks, I bet you could get one autographed by Miley.