Saturday morning cartoons will never be the same. Disney is announcing today that the company’s media properties — its websites, its radio stations, and its TV channels, which include the ABC stations that rule the pre-10 a.m. cartoon lineup — will no longer broadcast or post advertisements that promote unhealthy food.

That means nothing that’s overly high in fat and sugar but low in nutrition. No more ads for Capri Sun. No more Kraft Lunchables. No more teeth-melting sugary cereal. No more fast food.

The company’s also trying to branch out into food policing, with the “Mickey Check” — a Disney seal of approval on a packaged food’s nutritional value. This gambit seems a bit diabolical, given kids’ addiction to Disney: You can hear the yells of “I WANT THE MICKEY CEREAL” echoing through the aisles of supermarkets already. But nutritionists have cautiously said that the standards Disney’s using seem pretty solid. So “THE MICKEY CEREAL” will probably be the one parents wanted them eating, anyway. (Sneaky!)

The company’s also promising to the reduce the amount of salt in the meals it serves to kids at its theme parks. All of this healthy eating only goes so far, though: We’re betting you’ll still be able to buy those Mickey Mouse ice cream pops with the chocolate ears. And if you can’t, we’re going to throw a tantrum.

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