Hemp chair

You know those hiddy plastic stackable chairs that you see on basically every porch, stoop, and backyard? (I have some. They came with the house.) Well, what if they were biodegradable, made with sustainable materials, and kind of awesome looking? And also made out of pot? TOTAL DREAM CHAIR, right?

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Okay, so Werner Aisslinger’s stackable hemp chair is not exactly smokable, and it’s not exactly in production either. It just debuted at Milan Design Week. But it’s cool, lightweight, eco-friendly (the glue that holds the fibers together is water-based and has no phenols or formaldehyde), and can be mass-produced cheaply. Move over, ubiquitous plastic chair. Seriously, move over, you are terrible.

Read more:
Werner Aisslinger: hemp chair,” Designboom
Werner Aisslinger Creates Stackable Modern Chair from Hemp,” Inhabitat
High Chair: A Lounger Made of Hemp for Stylish Stoners,” Treehugger